Do you know main cause and symptoms of thyroid?

What is the thyroid gland?
The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ composed of two lobes, left and right, connected by a narrow tissue band. You have glands throughout your body, where they create and release substances that help your body do a specific thing. Your thyroid makes hormones that help control many vital functions of your body. This is the top pharma manufacturing company in Roorkee Agni Rx.
What does thyroid gland do?
The thyroid makes two hormones that it secretes into the bloodstream. One is called thyroxine; this hormone contains four atoms of iodine and is often called T4. The other is called triiodothyronine, which contains three atoms of iodine and is often called T3. In the cells and tissues of the body, the T4 is converted to T3. It is the T3, derived from T4 or secreted as T3 from the thyroid gland, which is biologically active and influences the activity of all the cells and tissues of your body.
What causes a thyroid disorder?
There are many different causes of the different thyroid disorders. Most commonly the cause is due to autoimmune thyroid disease – a self-destructive process in which the body’s immune system attacks the thyroid cells as though they were foreign cells. In response, the thyroid gland becomes underactive (hypothyroidism) or overactive (hyperthyroidism). You may find that other members of your family have thyroid problems or another autoimmune disorder.
What are the most common symptoms of thyroid disorders?
Hypothyroidism: tiredness, feeling cold, weight gain, poor concentration, depression.
Hyperthyroidism: weight loss, heat intolerance, anxiety, and, sometimes, sore and gritty eyes.
Sometimes there are very few symptoms. A blood test from your doctor will confirm whether or not you have a thyroid disorder.
How are thyroid disorders diagnosed?
Your doctor will be able to get a good idea about the activity of your thyroid gland by listening to your symptoms, asking you some questions, and by examining your neck. However, by taking a small sample of your blood he or she can assess exactly your thyroid secretory state. On this single sample of blood, for example, the levels of the hormones involved can be measured in the laboratory. By this means it is possible to find out if too much or too little T4 and/or T3 is being secreted, and how active the pituitary is by measuring the TSH. A single blood test will normally confirm the diagnosis, but sometimes other tests are required.
How do i keep my thyroid healthy?
A healthy diet and exercise it can help maintain healthy thyroid function.
Disclaimer This blog solely intended for the educational/informational/awareness purposes and is not a substitute for any professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. please consult your doctor/healthcare professional before acting on the information provided on the blog.

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